Monday 1 October 2012

In bed with 4 blondes and a trumpet.

I am asleep. I do this every night, but this time it's a special sleep because I play trumpet in my dream. This is of course because I saw at the home of my parents in law a cabinet filled with trumpets; beautiful instruments from the Concertgebouw Orchestra in Amsterdam. Playing a trumpet seemed like a cool thing and completely under the spell of that idea I am practicing this night in my dream. It is going really well, my love even hears me softly playing. I blow a little melody, like 'twuuht, twuht, twuuuht'. Jo is awake now and rattles me a bit. But in my dream I stand on the Concertgebouw stage and the audience gives me applause. The enthusiastic spectators are clapping so hard that suddenly a loud bang is heard. Bang! I open my eyes and I'm equally confused. Then there is another big bang. It is the thunder right above us. If a storm get started at the Côte d'Azur, then it really serious: less than a second after a bright white flash pops up, another thunder strikes again and rattles the windows. Three seconds later, we see two frightened girls in pyjamas at our bed. "We are scaahaared and it is veeery noisy upstairs, soon the roof will fall off...". Fe and Sophie are allowed as an emergency regulation to lie between us, I put a night light on and notice that it is only half past three in the morning. Well, it is kinda cosy. We listen attentively to the defeatening thunder that seems to be becoming more louder. The rain clatters down and caused a huge roar. Suddenly I think about Floortje outside the guard. I get out of bed and stand face to face with a dog that looks at me with a look of "you can not do this boss'. I let our trembling Golden Retriever  inside and Madam walks straight to our bed and drops herself down at the foot of it. Now I'm awake I think I'll go to the bathroom. While I'm sleepy and concentrated emptying my bladder the power falls out and believe me, when that happens, it becomes very dark in the house. I hear screams in the bedroom while the thunder and the flashes follow closer to one another. I stumbled blind into the bedroom. 'Oh, I was just about to pee when the lights fell out! "I say embarrassed when everyone laughs. Being still the man in the house, I light a candle to find the fuse box to get some light into the darkness. Within 3 minutes the fuses stop again. "Oh, it's fine like this, we all try to sleep now, ok? says Mama Jo and we do our best. I fall fast asleep after five minutes and start to play trumpet again. "Twuuht, twuhuuut" I softly blow and then the curtain opens again, the audience claps enthusiastically and caused another deafening roar that I hear out of my sleep. Delicious are these dreams with real surround sound.

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